Pre-employment survey

Disclosure of Trade Secrets, Leakage of Sensitive Data, Poor Performance, Deterioration of Client Relations… The consequences of a bad hire can be disastrous for businesses. To avoid this risk and secure your company’s hiring process, pre-employment investigation is a highly effective solution. ABAC Detective offers professional services tailored to make the most of this solution.

Why Conduct a Pre-Employment Investigation?

In the quest for quick employment, the majority of candidates tend to embellish their resumes with false information. According to a recent study, 8 out of 10 CVs contain at least one erroneous piece of information. This trend holds true whether in the private or public sector. The risk of a bad hire becomes increasingly higher for both SMEs and large corporations.

In this context, it is unthinkable for a conscientious business owner to hire a new employee based solely on the candidate’s word or their CV. To successfully identify the best candidates, it’s ideal to conduct a more thorough verification of the information provided on the CV. This is precisely why it is important to conduct a pre-employment investigation.

The idea is to conduct a comprehensive background check on each potential candidate. This preliminary check helps you avoid the risk of hiring an incompetent employee for a critical position. This is beneficial not only for your company’s security but also for its financial and competitive performance.

Pre-Employment Investigation: What Are the Key Criteria to Evaluate?

There are numerous criteria to consider in order to successfully verify candidate profiles during recruitment. These include, among others:

  • Civil and criminal records,
  • Financial profile,
  • Educational qualifications and academic records,
  • Employment history,
  • Driver’s license…

Among these various elements, the first three are the ones we emphasize the most at ABAC Detective. They are crucial for ensuring your company’s security and competitiveness in the market.


Pre-Employment Investigation

The Candidate’s Criminal Record

Checking the criminal record allows you to learn more about the criminal history of each candidate who has applied for your job offer. This way, you can determine whether your potential candidate has been subject to legal action. In the event of potential legal proceedings, you also have the opportunity to identify the nature of the case: criminal, civil, or municipal. All of this information will help you verify the reliability of each candidate and select the right fit for the position.

The Candidate’s Financial Profile

In addition to the criminal record, the financial profile is a crucial criterion that you must evaluate to succeed in your pre-employment investigation. Checking this criterion is particularly important if you are hiring for an administrative position. It involves conducting a sort of credit investigation on each candidate to determine their financial responsibility. This investigation helps avoid financial risks such as fraud and embezzlement.

ABAC Detective: Your Pre-Employment Investigation Agency

Are you planning to conduct a pre-employment investigation for each candidate in your upcoming recruitment processes in your company? Whether you operate in the public or private sector, you can trust the team at our ABAC Detective agency based in Paris, Nice, and Cannes. Depending on your needs, we help you gather all the necessary information about each candidate who has responded to your job offer. To this end, our investigators conduct a thorough search on the relevant profiles, taking into account the key criteria mentioned above.

Throughout this process, we act with the utmost confidentiality and adhere to strict ethics. This allows us to provide you with a professional service tailored to your needs while ensuring your anonymity. Furthermore, we operate in compliance with applicable laws in our field. So, don’t hesitate to entrust us with your pre-employment investigation to confirm or refute the accuracy of CVs during your recruitment processes.



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