Our services

Preuve indidélité, ABAC Détective Paris

Notice of adultery

Adultery is one of the reasons that can lead to a divorce being pronounced by the court. However, to justify the existence of such serious allegations, proof must be presented to the court. For this purpose, the use of a private detective to establish evidence of adultery with the bailiff is often necessary. With ABAC […]

Recherche personne disparue, ABAC Détective Paris

Protection of minors

TROUBLE WITH YOUR CHILDREN? Drugs, alcoholism, prostitution, gangs: we are here to listen! Juvenile delinquency is gradually taking center stage, steadily growing in a society where parental authority is declining. It constitutes a complex phenomenon: it is both an individual, group, and societal issue. Our team of experienced investigators specializing in issues related to minors […]

Search for missing persons

For reasons that are not always known, someone you deeply care about or a family member can disappear from one day to the next. You are then filled with worry and want to move heaven and earth to find your loved one. Increase your chances by seeking the services of ABAC Detective’s search agents, your […]

Enquête avant mariage, ABAC Détective Paris

Pre-marriage investigation

You’re soon going to get married, but you have doubts about your future spouse? Pre-marital investigation is an effective solution to confirm or dispel your doubts. Discover with ABAC Detective the significance of such an investigation and how it unfolds. A Pre-Marital Investigation to Verify Your Partner’s Reliability A pre-marital investigation is conducted before marriage. […]

Divorce pour faute, ABAC Détective Paris

Pre-employment survey

Disclosure of Trade Secrets, Leakage of Sensitive Data, Poor Performance, Deterioration of Client Relations… The consequences of a bad hire can be disastrous for businesses. To avoid this risk and secure your company’s hiring process, pre-employment investigation is a highly effective solution. ABAC Detective offers professional services tailored to make the most of this solution. […]

Counter-listening and microphone detection

In a world where information has acquired immeasurable value, the importance of counter-surveillance and micro-detection continues to grow. Whether it’s for national security, safeguarding a company’s assets, or protecting an individual’s privacy, these tools have become indispensable to ensure the confidentiality and security of our communications. However, to be truly effective, it is imperative to […]

Unfair competition

Unfair Competition Investigation – ABAC Detective Paris, Nice, and Cannes In accordance with the principle of the freedom of commerce, many economic entities resort to unfair competition to gain access to new markets. Is your company a victim of such an unlawful act? According to the Civil Code, you have the right to seek legal […]

Piratage informatique, ABAC Détective Paris

IT activities

Proof has become dematerialized with the development of new technologies. As experts in investigation and evidence collection, ABAC Detective has expanded its field of expertise and enlisted the collaboration of computer experts to best serve its clients’ interests. Proving the presence of computer files despite their deletion by the user, reading, copying, and extracting these […]